Benefits to Booking Your Evening GameTruck Party

We’ve already covered the top 5 benefits to booking your morning GameTruck Party. If you missed it, check out the article here. There are many benefits to booking an evening GameTruck party. You don’t need to copy other parents and have a party in the mid-afternoon. Why not mix it up, try something new, and throw a party for your kiddo and their friends at night?
We know that when the lights go down, your party will be the talk of your town.
Here are our TOP 5 Benefits to Booking Your Morning GameTruck Party
- GameTruck AFTER DARK! LaserTag or Video Game GLOW PARTIES!!!! We open the windows and let the truck really shine with music, lights, and TVs on fire with the latest games, your kids laughing, and our GameCoach’s doing what they do best…HOSTING THAT AWESOME PARTY!
- Throw an adult party while your kids play! We know many of you parents still want to get down and boogie. Well, why not have an adult party while your kid’s party? It’s a match made in heaven! You’ll be drinking your favorite beverages and taking shots of (your favorite liquor… er) your children as they celebrate while you celebrate!
- Your older kids love staying up later. Although we have never seen a scientific study about older kids wanting to stay up later, many of our past experiences with evening parties indicate this to be a pure fact. Your older kids will think you are mad cool if you throw them a GameTruck party at night! Collect those parental points while you can.
- Sports are usually over at night. So many sports are played in the early to mid/late afternoons these days. With an evening GameTruck party, you don’t have to worry about guests not making it due to sports games. Avoid clashing with sports schedules with an evening GameTruck party!
- A solid option for sleepovers. Does your kiddo want to have their friends sleepover? What a cool way to celebrate them when those guests show up and realize they get two hours to play games together in the video game theater. Imagine them getting all their excitement and energy out during a few rounds of Just Dance or 1-2 Switch a couple hours before it’s lights out.
Bonus Benefit: No work or school. When you throw an evening GameTruck party, you don’t have to worry about work hours or school hours because this party is thrown AFTER hours. No more bosses, no more books, only super happy looks! (Ok. so, I won’t ever be a lyrical poet, I’m sure you got the idea!)
Once again, I think we make a very compelling case for why an evening party with GameTruck rocks. Don’t get us wrong, afternoon parties are legit, but our goal is to make you think twice about throwing your party at the most conventional times. Some of our most skeptical parents, book parties at times they never thought they’d book and afterward were so grateful they did – that’s how much fun their kids and their friends had! Of course, any time of day (or night) is a great time to book GameTruck. Our GameCoaches always show up ready to make memories with your kids that will last a lifetime.
No matter what time of day it is, we look forward to seeing you at your next event!
Visit GameTruck to book now!