Throwback: Super Smash Brothers Series

Here at GameTruck we love to review games and get feedback from our readers. GameTruck takes care of your video game party necessities. From the newest games to old throwbacks we have everything your kids need to have the best party ever. So kick back and relax for a few hours while your kids have a great time.
Today we are going to explore the Super Smash Brothers Series!
Before we jump into how far Nintendo has come, we want to make sure you are up to date on these games. So far, Nintendo has released:
I. Super Smash Bros. Nintendo 64
II. Super Smash Bros. Melee GameCube
III. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
IV. Super Smash Bros. 4 (3DS)
V. Super Smash Bros. (Wii U)
The argument on which Super Smash Bros. is one of the longest standing arguments since the release of video games and with good reason. Each of these games has their strong suits and their flaws. For this article, we will be focusing on the Nintendo 64 and GameCube.
Super Smash Bros. Nintendo 64
If you don’t know about this game, chances are you grew up on an island cut off from the outside world, much like the character from Arrow, Oliver Queen. This game was released in 1999 and sold millions of copies. You can buy the game on Ebay or on Amazon.
Super Smash N64 was one of the first of its kind. Although it had limited characters and old-school graphics, it’s still a bucket of fun when throwing a video game party. This game has eight playable characters and four unlock-able characters. The stages include obstacles to make the game even harder and even more fun!
It also makes for a great video game birthday party and can even be considered for school fundraising ideas. There are some schools that are already doing this by setting up the system along with Melee and Brawl to raise money by having students pay to enter the competition.
Super Smash Bros. Melee GameCube
In 2001, Nintendo released their second game on the GameCube console. This is by far our favorite from the Super Smash Bros. series. Melee boasts 15 starting characters and 11 unlock-able characters. It also has 29 stages, which is a vast improvement over the previous game which only had 9 stages. It also introduced new mini games and trophies.This game is still being sold at GameStop, Amazon, and Ebay.
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