E3 2017 – GameTruck Approved Games

GameTruck was on hand at E3 2017.
As with previous years we handed out GameTruck Approved awards to those games that promote what we hold near and dear to our hearts; Couch Co-Op games. With the constant gearing towards online multiplayer, the simple aspect of having your friends over for hours of gaming has started to fall to the wayside. As the millions of our event-goers know, GameTruck is all about playing together with your friends, not over the internet but face to face. While online gaming is fun, it just doesn’t give you the same feeling of camaraderie that you get while sharing a screen/couch with a friend. Without further ado, the E3 2017 GameTruck Approved games are:
Dragon Ball Fighter Z
After many years, the Dragon Ball series has finally made it’s return to the fighting game arena. Boasting 1v1 battles with teams of 3, Dragon Ball Fighter Z delivers a fast paced fighting game that stays true to it’s roots. Look for Dragon Ball Fighter Z early 2018 on PS4 and XBox One.
FIFA 2018 for Nintendo Switch
While this award could go to the FIFA series as a whole, the true essence of playing together is found most in the version made for the Nintendo Switch. Allowing players to wirelessly connect consoles together via Ad-hoc is something that has been missing from the franchise. Not to mention that now you can play a round of FIFA while waiting for a Soccer game to start. Look for FIFA to drop on all major consoles September 2017.
Knack 2
The original Knack struck a cord with many gamers but multiplayer was only available on Easy Mode. It seems Sony took some of the criticism to heart and made a full fledged multiplayer game. Knack 2 has all of the crazy growing and shrinking of the first game, but now you and a friend can beat the game together on any skill level. Look for Knack 2 on PS4 this September 2017.
Splatoon 2
Splatoon was a fun game that had a lot of things going for it. It was fun, vibrant, and full of crazy characters. While it found a great home with online multiplayer, it was severally lacking on the local play front. Enter Splatoon 2, a game that’s built from the ground up to allow large local play. Heck, they’ve even built in many mechanics for it to branch into a major eSports contender. Splatoon 2 hits the Nintendo Switch on 7/21/2017.
Nintendo wanted to make a new fighting game to compliment it’s current behemoth Super Smash Bros. While Super Smash Bros has ruled the roost for fighting games on Nintendo Consoles, allowing furious paced 8 player battle royales, ARMS sticks to a more traditional 1v1 platform. Allowing a myriad of different play mechanics, players are sure to find a mode that fits any situation. ARMS dropped onto the Nintendo Switch the day after E3 2017 ended, so grab a copy today.
With so many racing titles out there trying to push the envelope of resolution and detail, it’s very easy to lose site of couch multiplayer. While yes NASCAR Heat 2 will support a whopping 40 person online race, it will also support 2 player split-screen as well. If you’re a NASCAR fan, or just a regular race game fan, this is the game for you. Look for NASCAR Heat 2 to hit the PS4 and XBone One September 2017.
PlayLink for PS4
PlayLink is a very obscure gaming platform for the PS4 that did not get much fanfare around it. However, everything that it’s trying to achieve is exactly what GameTruck is looking for. PlayLink is a means of getting everyone in the room to interact together through game, utilizing what everyone these days seems to have as their means of control, a smart phone. There is so much going on with PlayLink that it’s best if you watch the video below.
The Metronomicon
The E3 Indiecade section usually has 1 or 2 bright gems in it each year and this year was no different. The Metronomicon is a very interesting type of game, part RPG and part rythm game, that allow up to 4 players to play simultaneously. If nothing else, they deserve an honorable mention for giving us a use for those darned gaming guitars. Look for The Metronomicon on PS4 and XBox One Q3 2017.
Lego Marvel Superheroes 2
Do you like Lego? Do you like Marvel? Well, this game should be a no brainer then. With the most extensive list of super heroes yet, Lego Marven Superheroes 2 is easily a must buy. Need more to entice you? Then I have 3 words for you… I AM GROOT! Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 drops on Nintendo Switch, PS4, and XBox One 11/14/2017.
Honorable Mention
Super Mario Odyssey
While yes they haven’t shown any multiplayer capabilities, Super Mario Odyssey was easily one of the best games we played at E3 2017. From Mario becoming almost anyone, so seamless 3D-2D-3D transitions, this game amazed us all! Heck, there is even a mode that let’s you play co-op, with the second player controlling Cappy. Look for Super Mario Odyssey on Nintendo Switch 10/27/2017.