How Video Games Can Help Your Child

We all know that video games influence our children, but is that really a bad thing? We all know the dangers of video games but do you know how video games can help your child?

Wondering Why Your Child Can Beat a Video Game in a Matter of Days?

The answer lies in your child’s thought patterns. There is a large amount of concentration and goal orientation that is learned when your child aims to beat a video game. Their pattern recognition and reasoning changes as a game continues. Their situational awareness also changes as their video game style develops and they start to play new and different types of games.

A Well Known Benefit is Higher Adaptability to Teamwork and Cooperation

With the rise in multiplayer games as well as online gaming, this benefit is well known. When working together with large groups, there are a few skills that must be met to create a working team. Some of these skills are learning to compromise, pattern recognition, and reasoned judgments. These skills may sound familiar from an average workplace.

Video Games Help Your Child Respond to Challenges

As most adults know, when overcoming challenges, a key factor is risk assessment. When your child plays video games, they go through the same process. They assess the risks of avoiding an enemy or take the risk of approaching them head on which helps nurture and create your child’s gaming style.

What About Responding to Frustration?

Video games help with this too! Have you seen how many times your child has jumped off a level only to have to restart at the beginning? Chances are you’ve only seen a fraction of how many times they’ve had to restart that level. The difficulty of games vary but chances are your child is working their way up to even harder video games.

This persistence can be credited to your child’s ability to rethink goals. Out-of-the-box thinking is a large part of most video games. Their ability to process and rethink the situation helps them accurately assess their skills and interpret information differently that complements their gameplay style.

After Seeing All the Benefits Video Games Offer, How Do You Feel?

If you’re looking for activities for kids then look no further! GameTruck covers video game themed birthday party for all ages! Wondering which consoles to choose? Game Truck can over a Wii party, ps4 party, or any other birthday party ideas! Want to book our mobile video game truck in San Jose? Just visit to book your appointment!

A Review of Super Mario Odyssey

We’re back and with exciting Mario news!

Need new ideas for children’s parties? With the Super Mario Odyssey release, no need to look any further! It’s too much fun to put it down! What is this game about you ask? Is it Princess Peach? Yup, you guessed it! Princess Peach managed to get nabbed again! With each stage, you make your way through mazes and new opponents. We had a ton of fun “researching” this game! You can find it on Amazon, Ebay, Best Buy, and GameStop!

Remember to explore the other challenges that could be hidden at these levels. This game has some similarities to the original Mario games but have way more mini levels! Even though there are a bunch of hidden challenges, one of the hardest parts of this game is its non-stop madness! Make sure to check out this game when looking for new birthday games!


Mario got a new companion in this installment: Cappy. With the help of Cappy, you can turn into all kinds of animals and even the walking bombs! Can you turn into a giant stack of Goombas? YUP!

Triple Jumping

Do you remember when double jumping was a revolutionary thing? We do too which is why we are excited to play this new game which features a triple jump!

Have a different gameplay style?

With this game, you can play your way! Jump on every Goomba you see or avoid all the walking bombs, it’s up to you! If you liked the Zelda games, then you’ll love this one with your ability to explore different stages! We were also happy with this Assassins Creed like gameplay style. It also reminds us of the old Spiderman games as Mario roams through the city bouncing on cars and people’s heads.

Finished the game?

There are alternate endings! With 120 “Moons” which are pretty much the equivalent of harder to collect coins, you can beat the game but if you collect 500 Moons, you get to experience the real ending! Keep in mind, 500 is a lot of Moons when the game only has 830 of them!

Generally, when you beat a game, it gets dull. Well not with this one! When you beat this game, the challenges get even harder! This game introducing all new ideas and we love them! They incorporate these ideas intuitively and with child gameplay in mind. In this game, you can collect a bundle of Moons and it is a bundle of fun.

Enjoyed our review?

We hope so! When looking for birthday party ideas in Jacksonville FL, keep our game truck in mind! Whether it’s party games for kids or an awesome game of laser tag, GameTruck takes care of it all! We provide competitive video game bus prices and excellence when throwing your child a game truck birthday party! For more information visit GameTruck Jacksonville

Throwback: Super Smash Brothers Series

Here at GameTruck we love to review games and get feedback from our readers. GameTruck takes care of your video game party necessities. From the newest games to old throwbacks we have everything your kids need to have the best party ever. So kick back and relax for a few hours while your kids have a great time.

Today we are going to explore the Super Smash Brothers Series!

Before we jump into how far Nintendo has come, we want to make sure you are up to date on these games. So far, Nintendo has released:
I. Super Smash Bros. Nintendo 64
II. Super Smash Bros. Melee GameCube
III. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)
IV. Super Smash Bros. 4 (3DS)
V. Super Smash Bros. (Wii U)
The argument on which Super Smash Bros. is one of the longest standing arguments since the release of video games and with good reason. Each of these games has their strong suits and their flaws. For this article, we will be focusing on the Nintendo 64 and GameCube.

Super Smash Bros. Nintendo 64

If you don’t know about this game, chances are you grew up on an island cut off from the outside world, much like the character from Arrow, Oliver Queen. This game was released in 1999 and sold millions of copies. You can buy the game on Ebay or on Amazon.

Super Smash N64 was one of the first of its kind. Although it had limited characters and old-school graphics, it’s still a bucket of fun when throwing a video game party. This game has eight playable characters and four unlock-able characters. The stages include obstacles to make the game even harder and even more fun!

It also makes for a great video game birthday party and can even be considered for school fundraising ideas. There are some schools that are already doing this by setting up the system along with Melee and Brawl to raise money by having students pay to enter the competition.

Super Smash Bros. Melee GameCube

In 2001, Nintendo released their second game on the GameCube console. This is by far our favorite from the Super Smash Bros. series. Melee boasts 15 starting characters and 11 unlock-able characters. It also has 29 stages, which is a vast improvement over the previous game which only had 9 stages. It also introduced new mini games and trophies.This game is still being sold at GameStop, Amazon, and Ebay.

In the mood for more video games?

You’re in luck! With our GameTruck, you and your friends can join in on the fun! We love these games but are they better than a great game of laser tag? We want your opinion on which one you like more!

When looking for video game birthday party ideas, we are proud to say we are one of the best when it comes to a video game party bus in Memphis! Have church activities, outdoor laser tag, or birthday parties in Memphis? Don’t worry, we have you covered! Book your mobile video game truck for Memphis birthday parties and almost any event at!